Alderfen Fishery review (MATCH LAKE)
I like Alderfen, there is a lot to like about it, it is responsible for a lot of anglers getting a lot of personal bests, plus it is a rather good looking venue that is just starting to mature into its true self.
I fished Alderfen with my good mate and fishing buddy Dan Stewart Smith at the end of April on the Match Lake and we had a good net of fish between us…Well that’s not the exact truth of it Dan had a very good net of fish with a load of bream to about 4lb and some very nice tench and I had a few decent carp and a few bream as well as some Ide that were just shy of the pound mark.
It is my belief that if any competent angler fishes the match lake they will catch decent fish, it is certainly not an ‘easy’ water but the fish will be accommodating.
This is what Dave the owner has to say about Alderfen…
Set among the tranquil north Lincolnshire countryside in twenty three acres of nature
reserve, Alderfen Fisheries offers superb angling from three lakes.
Since its beginnings, it has become one of the top day ticket fishing venues in the north of
England, with anglers travelling from all across the country to enjoy their fishing in its peaceful
setting. Its location near the village of Wroot puts it within easy access of South and West
Yorkshire, Humberside, Nottinghamshire and the East Midlands, being situated near to
Doncaster and close to the A1, M62, M18 and M180 motorways.
Alderfen’s emphasis is on the quality of the fishing and the tranquility of its surroundings.
Anglers of all abilities are welcome, and expert, experienced advice is always available
And I have to admit he sums it up pretty well!
Methods that work well for me include float fishing and feeder fishing tight to features which is what I did when I
won the AnglingStar’s fisherman of the millennium of the whole Universe contest last year…I also used a bait-boat to get a tight wad of bait as close to a bed of reeds as possible…Dave the owner thought it a ” Good little trick”
I thought it was bloody genius :O)
It is always best to phone, as at busy times
it can sometimes be several days between
Email checks
Our on site phone number is 07772033398.
Day tickets are £6 a go
No fixed rigs
No barbed hooks
No Litter
No fishing off designated pegged areas
So scores on the doors
Venue 5/5
Fishery stock 4.75 /5
Value for money 5/5
Toilet facilities 3/5
I too like Alderfen very much. It is the tranquil surroundings and the great people you meet on the bank that I like. The fishing is secondary of course, but even that is very good.
The big carp lake is one of the prettiest still waters in England if you ask me. It contains some enormous roach and I wish Dave would let me fish for them (Hint Hint!)
Sorry, went once about 3 years ago, hated it and never went again.
Go back…its maturing nice
went for a couple of hours today and had a nice chub off the top on flakey then caught my first Ide. Will be back
Toilet facilities a 3 ??? i went in and decided i would rather shit myself than shift the webs and spiders haha.
Bushes are a 1
Ditches with bushes are a 2
A functional toilet of a sort is 3
A functional toilet with handwashing is a 4
A functional toilet with hot and cold water and clean towels or paper towels are 5
The “toilet” is full of False Spiders which are the most dangerous in England.
I have used the toilet on quite a few occasions and one thing I will say it’s better than some I’ve used in Africa.
The classic was one “long drop” in the Transkei which was garded by the biggest Nephila (orb weaver spider) I’ve ever seen, it was a full 10 inches across its legs.
And under the wooden seat there hung two big fat black female button spiders (black widows).