September “Fishing” Blog …Already?…Well It gets onto fishing eventually!
September Fishing Blog time already and just to start the ball rolling lets kick off as I mean to go along and just say for the record that I think “Ed Milliband is a complete wanker and a waste of oxygen”
Not because he reneged on a deal with David Cameron to back the war in Syria because I myself do not back the war in Syria but rather because I feel he has a total lack of concept when it comes to the scale of conflicts, Ed probably thinks a couple of cross words after five pints on a Friday night is equal to the Battle of Balaclava which must be the reason why he came out with this chestnut ”You cannot be diplomatic with Assad. He is worse than Adolf Hitler…”

Hitler is a junior when it comes to Assad?
Hitler started World War II….The DEADLIEST WAR IN HISTORY you stupid socialist twat! Somewhere in the region of 60-85 million people died as a result of World war II which was in the region of 3% of the entire world population and that isn’t counting the bloody Jews!! Which I will move onto later.
And when Ed states that Hitler did not bomb nor raze his own cities down into rubble or use chemicals upon his own people, I actually laughed out loud at the ludicrous nature of his statement, in fact I think that Ed has been reading the new and improved EU version of WWII because on the 1st of September 1939 the Luftwaffe began their blitzkrieg and utterly destroyed the Polish city of Wieluń removing 75% of all buildings and killing 1,200 civilians, but that is ok…because they weren’t his civilians and I suppose after the Warsaw uprising he was only joking when he ordered the city to be razed?
And when the Russian and Allied armies were rolling towards Berlin, I suppose it was a complete fabrication that Hitler ordered any infrastructure that could be of use to his enemy to be burned and destroyed as everything of value to Germany was already lost?
And then we move onto the small matter of ”Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons against his own people”
“Zyklon B ; also spelled Cyclon B or Cyclone B) was the trade name of a cyanide-based pesticide invented in the early 1920s and used by Nazi Germany to kill an estimated 1.2 million human beings, including approximately 960,000 Jews, in specially constructed gas chambers during the holocaust.
And it is the final word there that is the “stinger” for Red Ed, “Holocaust”
If a person states for the record that Adolf Hitler did not use Chemical weapons against his own people, then surely that is “Holocaust denial” because of the 6m Jews that were executed during WWII 900k of them died by means of “chemical weapons” ( I would also class the carbon monoxide emissions from specially rigged tank engines used in other death camps as a chemical weapons)
And then we come to the Sarin gas of Syria…Who do we think invented Sarin gas then Ed?
Err…That would Adolf Hitlers Germany…In mid-1939, the formula for the agent was passed to the chemical warfare section of the German Army Weapons Office which ordered that it be brought into mass production for wartime use. Luckily the war ended before it could be used on Allied targets…But do we think that it would not have been tested on live human subjects? I think that it would have been “played” with in places like Auschwitz and Sorbibor without a doubt and anyone that thinks otherwise has to be a fool.
and so we have it …60-85 MILLION dead and Hitler is a “junior” and some would have this idiot running the country?
A mere 100k are dead in Syria of which not all have been killed by the forces of Assad, some have actually been killed by Islamic Fundamentalist insurgents hell bent on toppling the regime and creating an Islamic State of Syria, the same type of insurgents the West have been fighting for 15 years in places like Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq and Chad…excepting this time they are the “good guys” and the “good guys” fighting the “bad guys” are the real “bad guys”
…and if I a supposed to buy that crock of shit then people must think that I have a lower IQ that Red Ed the Holocaust denier!
Ooooh “Red Ed” Holocaust denier , isn’t that a crime now? Maybe some Jew Lawyer somewhere will look into the possibility of pressing charges.
But on a final note, let’s not get all high and mighty on the moral high ground when it comes to chastising Assad for using so called “chemical weapons” because the last time I checked the Periodic Table Lead went by the sign Pb and the West has pumped enough lead into the middle east over the last few years to supply the average Trent angler with enough feeders for at least couple of seasons but on top of that we have pinged the fuckers with enough depleted Uranium which goes by the symbol U to have the bastards growing four arms and three heads for the next million years…Yeah…that’s right, a million years because that about how long it will take for the Uranium the Apache helicopters use in their ammo to decay and completly cease being radioactive
Not that I am complaining for the most part but I don’t like double standards.
Now that is out of the way lets talk about a bit of fishing shall we?
It seems when I spat my noo-noo out a few months ago about not winning a Drennan weekly award I set in motion a train of events that is still unfolding, in this months CAT magazine my internet and Facebook friend and co-consulant with the Hook Bait Company Sam Meeuwissen did a guest editorial which suggested that there was less of a North/South divide than most “Northern” anglers believe and that apart from a few species things were relatively well balanced.
Sam sweetened the deal by sending me my own trophy, an a ward for greatness and whilst on about greatness check the book out that it is in front of, Terry Theobald’s “Year on the water”, I am half way through and will take the opportunity now to recommend it, it is a very entertaining read, which shouldn’t come as any surprise as Terry is a naturally funny and entertaining guy
Amazon are selling it along with e-bay but for me the best way to get it would be via Terry himself
Anyway I am digressing, this disregard for the North/South devide had one of my other fishing friends ( yes, I do have several) and fellow member of the currently hibernating DVSG Ron Clay apparently spitting feathers and phoning around and having a bit of a rant which in turn provoked the founder member of the DVSG Bob Roberts to come up with this update to his own Blog
As is generally the case Bob hits the nail on the head and closes the deal on the North/South divide issue quite perfectly when he states
“Lets be honest. Brutal even. Anyone who thinks specialist angling is a level playing field is either a loony being deliberately provocative or is taking the piss. What I do appreciate is whenever these brilliant specialist anglers from the south have made a rare venture up to the Trent most have been found woefully lacking. As for the Yorkshire rivers I doubt they are even aware they exist.
No offense lads and lasses. Enjoy your dream fishing while it lasts but don’t try and tell us northern monkeys that we’ve never had it so good. That’s bollocks!”
And whilst I am on the “Bob” theme check out this little clip…It really is a great little interview .
Also whilst you are there have a look at buying some of his DVD’s they really are very good…I am in one as well…It is a masterpiece!
And moving on…Again
Where has this summer gone? Its definitely getting Autumnal
but the fishing is still very patchy with the shoals packed up tight giving a feast or famine effect. I managed to sneak a pair of chub out of the river this weekend when all around seemed to be struggling, hopefully the fish will spread themselves back out a little now the weather is on the change but also I hope the fair weather and pot-anglers disappear back from whence they came as some of the gear they leave behind has me spazzing out at its construction and the litter and empty cans would put me in jail on a murder charge if ever I were to meet the culprits.
Seriously, are their eyes painted on? do they enjoy looking at their shit they leave behind?
But I will not dwell on the negatives, I will try to stay on the positives!
Darren Mcann of Hook Bait Company was in Sheffield the day before my session and used the opportunity to drop me of some gear to trial, was this the difference between a blank and a catch?
I don’t know but I would rather catch and have something to ponder over than blank and have something to ponder over.
And whilst I am not catching I can use the time to take some pictures of the wildlife…Its a win-win situation!
Although the high wind kept most of the butterflies down in the grass or on the far bank using the shelter off the wind to stock up on late summer nectar in preparation for hibernation.
The high wind however made sure that I spent a little more time looking at the waters edge for my “nature fix” and what with an extremely low level coupled with a low tide I got a good look at the clam beds , which coupled with the millions of snails are the reason why the tidal Trent can support so high a density of barbel.
Anyway that’s about me done for a while, I will probably be updating again in a week or so as I have a session planned on a new stretch of the tidal Trent .
Nice one Lee!
Glad you like the trophy!
Best fishes,
while watching the clip of the Apache helicopters, I was pleased the donkeys came through it Ok.
Like yory trophy Lee, I rember using bung like that in the late 60′s and early 70′s
Tight lines Martin
I must admit I was sweating for the donkeys as well
Did you know that the Milibands are Jewish?
Yes, which makes his comments even more disgraceful